LIL GLITCHES is an NFT collection of 550 uniquely painted NFTs created by artist James Alfie.
These super rare one of one glitched creatures are running around the metaverse and need to be collected..
The first species Skull Babies will be 100 total, and every species release after that will decrease by 10. Accordingly the mint price of the species will grow from 0.1 ETH to 0.2 ETH for every new species as they are increasingly more rare.
These super rare one of one glitched creatures are running around the Metaverse and need to be collected.
There are 10 different types of species that make up the LIL GLITCHES. Each species has its own qualities, some will allow resale access to spin-off collections, some will included insider access to exclusive music industry benefits and others can lead to airdrops and physical signed printed art prints.